RMIT Online MBA Shapes Leaders Ready To Take On Industry 4.0

RMIT have re-designed its MBA to prepare emerging and divergent leaders for the future of business.

The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) has launched a revitalised MBA program, designed to help transform students into the entrepreneurially and technologically savvy business leaders required for the future.

The RMIT Online MBA is delivered 100% online with a study pattern that maximises flexibility. The courses a diverse but emphasise leadership and technology. They are also practical and provide ‘up to the minute’ content which is constantly evolving, thanks to the insight provided by the business school’s industry connections.

The refreshed structure of RMIT’s MBA program reflects the school’s acknowledgment of the digital disruption currently occurring in the business world, and that it was vital for professionals to be suitable equipped to meet future challenges.

“We have re-designed the MBA to prepare emerging and divergent leaders for the future of business,” RMIT Online CEO Helen Souness said.

“We continue to see disruption like never before, so the MBA develops capabilities in the latest technologies coupled with the skills to design experiences and solve problems of a nature and scale that didn’t exist before digitisation.

RMIT Online CEO Helen Souness.

“A study released in September by the Australian Industry Group found that 75% of organisations in Australia reported skills shortages when recruiting jobs relating to automation, big data and AI in particular.

“While business leaders don’t need to be coders in these disciplines necessarily, they need to understand how technology can be used to gain a competitive advantage in their businesses and departments,” she said.

Anyone interested in obtaining an MBA who meets the entry requirements is welcome to study the RMIT Online MBA, but Ms Souness said the program would be particularly relevant for business leaders of for-purpose and government organisations in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0, according to the business school, refers to the latest industrial revolution which has seen different digital technologies connect and blend with each other and humans as a result of the move from analogue to digital technology.

“With its focus on preparing leaders in technology and innovation and with a design thinking lens, the MBA preferences job outcomes in sectors that are being heavily disrupted,” Ms Souness said.

“Such as manufacturing or those undergoing significant growth such as technology companies, or significant reform such as health and social services. The skills acquired equip leaders of both startup and mature organisations.”

The RMIT Online MBA structure features twelve courses including seven core courses; Leadership and Management, Marketing for Managers, Financial Analytics for Managerial Decisions, Design Thinking for Business, Strategy, Management of Technology & Innovation and Business Data Analytics. There is also the final ‘Business Consulting’ capstone course.

Students take four electives out of a possible 13, which include a number of new electives such as ‘Leading in the Age of Digital Disruption’, ‘Personal Branding and Authentic Leadership’ or ‘Technology Futures’.

The study pattern is accelerated, and students will typically conducting one course at a time in a six-week period to allow for a generous level of pace and flexibility. During each period, students complete three assessment pieces and there are six teaching periods a year.

“This online accelerated MBA is for the leader who thinks differently, embraces change and wants to build the skills needed to shape industries, government and for purpose organisations of the future rather than just being at the top of existing ones,” Ms Souness said.

“Our busy students have told us that they organise their learning into pockets of study time in between their other commitments so we have designed our courses to fit into those pockets. When a student logs on to our intuitive learning environment, they will have learning activities that are clearly structured so they can get started independently.

“Around this clearly structured course, sits a social learning experience that allows students to discuss and explore concepts together, which is essential for deep learning to happen.

“Students also have opportunities to listen in to or attend community events to make connections with industry partners such as CapGemini, Amazon Web Services and Accenture.”

RMIT Online MBA students will also have the chance to study a range of short courses which were designed to refresh leadership, digital and commercial skills.

“These courses are constantly being launched and updated, in collaboration with industry partners such as Amazon Web Services, Apple, Adobe, Eliiza, and,” Ms Souness said.

“We think the combination of the electives and core courses creates a powerful contemporary MBA preparing Millennial leaders for the future of work.

“With so much change in the workplace, we all need to invest in being lifelong learners, constantly reskilling and updating our knowledge over time,” she said.

“This is especially important for people in leadership, who need to understand tech and have the leadership skills as well to lead the digital transformations of industry and Government.”