Online MBA Fees in Australia
For more than 100 years the Master of Business Administration (MBA) has the been the premier qualification for business leaders. In recent years it has also become an important qualification for leaders in a wide variety of organisations and institutions, including the public service, social enterprises and start-ups.
As technologies has evolved over the last two decades, universities, business schools and other MBA providers have looked for innovative ways to deliver their courses. For many, this has meant offering entirely new online MBAs or taking some of their traditional classroom content into the online space.

The fees listed are provided as a general guide only. They have been sourced from publicly available information or individual universities and business schools. In relying on the list above potential students should be aware:
- The fees were sourced in September 2019 for students commencing in 2020 but may change in the future at each school’s discretion; and
- Where schools have not provided full degree fees Online MBA Australia has made a judgement on the full degree costs based on information available. For instance, many schools provide on indicative annual fee for degrees which take 1.5 years to complete. In these cases Online MBA Australia has used current year indicative fees extrapolated over 1.5 years (ie $30,000pa x 1.5 years = $45,000); and
- Current fees for units (variably called courses, subjects, credit points etc) may increase in the future before the completion of your degree, increasing the overall cost of your degree; and
- The fees listed may or may not include incidentals like textbooks and other learning materials. In the case of study tours these additional fees can be substantial.
- Fees for international students may be different; and
- While all care has been taken to ensure their accuracy please consult your school on your full fee liability before commencing your MBA.